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We do not look at the world through a narrow lens. We empathically look at the world from the perspective of others to see what they see, to feel what they feel, and to experience what they do. Yes, we certainly cannot fully grasp the experience of others, but at least we can try to get closer. In fact, Empathy means that we put aside our preconceived ideas and keep ourselves open to the ideas, thoughts, and needs of others.

In design, Empathy is a deep understanding of the issues and realities associated with the people for whom the design is made. Empathy requires understanding the difficulties that others face leading to the discovery of their hidden needs and desires. To do so, we must have an understanding of the environment in which people live, the roles they play, and their interactions with that environment.


In this way, Empathy helps us gain a deeper understanding of people’s emotional and physical needs, their perspectives, and how they interact with the environment.Empathy is also one of the stages of the design process in our organization. At this stage, our goal as a designer is to gain an empathetic understanding of the person we are designing for and the problem we are trying to solve. This process involves carefully observing, experiencing, and touching on issues and problems closely, and then empathizing with the people for whom the design is intended so that we can understand their experiences and motivations. We must not forget that this is often not possible except by immersing ourselves in the material environment to gain a personal and deep understanding of the challenges, needs and issues.