Project Planning & Control

Project Planning and Control Department

The  project  planning  and  control department  is one of the key  sectors in  project-based  companies. Project managers, relying  on  the  project  planning and control department, will have a proper plan for the projects and their control. Any  decision  regarding  the  implementation  of plans  and  intensification  of  the  implementation process  of  projects  requires analytical information about conditions, which can be possible with having project planning and control department around.

As is known, the above term is composed of two parts:

Part one: Project planning and            part two: project control


Planning  is  the process during which  goals are set and  methodologies are  presented  in  order to shed light  upon  the  means  to reach ends.
Planning  is a series of  regular, systematic and  inter-linked operations carried out by an entity, organization or government for a certain period of time in order to achieve certain objectives.

Project planning and control tasks can be very versatile and extensive, but I will look at some of them below:

  • Description  and   instructions  for  doing  the  work  (preparing job description, preparing the Work Breakdown Structure and Cost Breakdown Structure)
  • Scheduling (providing critical path method and determining the frequency of activities, types of relationships and dependencies, estimating time, timing)
  • Allocation of resources
  • Budget

Project Control

Project control is a process designed for timely diagnosis of possible problems in the project implementation process. This process allows the project manager to identify and resolve the problems ahead before they are expanded and when a simpler solution can be found. It may be said that the project  control process is a recurring cycle during which the project manager uses various measures and measurement tools and after receiving feedback from others, measures possible deviations in the  project’s executive process relative to the predetermined baseline and then decides what corrective measures are  needed to correct the current process.

  • Project Time Control
  • Project Progress Control
  • Project Cost Control

The most important activities performed in Anin Solids Mechanical Engineers Co.

  • Understanding a project, studying scope of a project
    and methodology of implementation
  • Determining the hierarchical structure of a project and preparing a high-level scheduling
  • Preparing the required procedures for a project
  • Determining the weight percentages and how to calculate the activities
  • Estimating the volumes, resources and time of activities with the cooperation of relevant experts and project managers
  • Estimating the budget of activities in collaboration with Related experts and project managers
  • Preparing scheduling in a variety of critical route planning and analysis software
  • Preparing the project reports format and the required formats of the organization
  • Update the progress of the project and preparing a variety of project progress reports, delays and overtime and required reports at the request of the employer
  • Preparing and arranging the situations
  • Checking the status of consultants