providing workshop supreme control and supervision services for the new pumphouse and white water pool and increasing the existing tailing thickeners at Sarcheshme Copper Complex

  • providing workshop supreme control and supervision services for the new pumphouse and white water pool and increasing the existing tailing thickeners at Sarcheshme Copper Complex (execution estimated over 42 million Euros)

  • Employer: Iran National Copper Industries Company
  • Execution Duration: 2011-2017
  • Project Summary: Supervising the design and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), test and launching the new pumphouse and white water pool, construction of a new tailing thickener equipped with an elevator system, increasing the capacity of the existing tailing thickeners and a system for injection of flow-coolant for the tailing dehydration, recovery of the processed water and pumping the recovered water into the concentration (upgrade) plant at Sarcheshme Copper Complex with a rate of flow of about 480,000 m3/day.