the Comprehensive Cancer Center

One of the most important projects of Pars Health City Portfolio is the Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Comprehensive Cancer Center (C.C.C) is a 240-beds hospital with complete diagnostic, therapeutic and palliative departments, focused on cancer as a hub for diagnosis and treatment in the southeast region of Iran.
The preliminary area of the hospital building is estimated to be around 35,000 m2 in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Health of Iran and also the latest insights and approaches worldwide in the field of cancer. The HCD (Human Centered Design) method has been used in this project.

Due to the increase of cancer patients in the southeast region of Iran, we decided to improve the necessary medical infrastructure in the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment based on modern medical approaches. Therefore, the mentioned C.C.C should be designed in a way that meets all the requirements:

All treatment services such as surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, palliative medicine,
Complementary medical services (Sports, art, music therapy, patient relaxation, services for pregnant mothers, accommodation services, etc.)
Personalized medical services
Gene-therapy, cell-therapy and biosimilar medicine
Quality and efficiency increase of diagnosis and treatment using A.I
Tele-medicine Services
Hospital At Home (AHA) services
Robotic Technology
Digital Hospital Services
Healthcare tourism infrastructures