International Affairs

Public Relations and International Affairs Department

Public Relations (PR) is the art of managing how information is published and distributed amongst individuals or companies in the public. Each publicly active group is faced with wheels of information  about itself or its activities, which are published and distributed in groups and social networks, relevant or irrelevant to its field of work. Although public relations is a separate industry for itself, any attempt to present a picture of the  activities, approaches, strategies and achievements of a professional group or company to the public can be called  public relations. Therefore, public relations is a term that can be used to manage how an economic complex or brand is seen by others. Let’s not forget that PR is different from advertising or marketing. The focus of public relations, for an economic complex, is on presenting and maintaining a positive and real image. At the same time, PUBLIC RELATIONS deals with the relationships of shareholders, customers, employers and stakeholders.

In the Department of  Public Relations and International Affairs of  ANIN Co., we attempt to identify the capabilities, potentials, achievements and positive points of this complex which thus will be publicized thereafter. Also, by scrutinizing the latest and newest effective management technologies in the world, we try our best to optimize work processes and procedures. Not only do we help other managers in ANIN make better policies, but also we try to provide customers and project owners with a true authentic picture of our potentials and capabilities. Thereby, we do our best to discover project owners’ and the customers’ unsaid or unarticulated demands and expectations which will then be realized based on our capabilities.

Gaining the trust of customers and owners is of great importance to us. A good and effective Public Relations entails a good command of management which attracts customers and owners’ attention to the company’s reputation. We believe that in two forms we can influence the public opinion: internal and external. Internal influence means to present our capabilities, competencies and achievements to investors, stakeholders and shareholders. To do so, holding meetings and providing comprehensive presentations about processes, designs, managerial approaches, products and stages of work can be quite useful. Furthermore, the external influence or impression consists of the fact that we are trying to provide our end-users and consumers with true picture of our contribution to work and of innovations of our colleagues in creating products and values.

In the Department of Public Relations & International Affairs, We properly manage what others think of us.At the same time, we should add that, according to the Princeton Review’s definition, “the work of a PR specialist is creating and animating an image of his/her organization. His/her job is to present a true positive image of the organization and optimize its reputation in the eyes of others.But let’s point out that despite trying to offer a positive picture from the capabilities of our organization, since we believe in integrity, we try to be perfectly honest acknowledging some of the deficiencies, inherent in any human labor organization, when needed.

During these recent years, in ANIN, we have tried to bring ourselves together with the latest standards of the world and have been very serious in this. The company’s resume, as is mentioned in the project sector, clearly indicates that we have tried to use all of our potentials for international cooperation with leading companies in the fields of training, economy and global industry in various projects, whether in the form of project management, contract management, and EPC or in the form of procurement management:

  • Cooperation with FLSmidth & Co. A/S in the field of supplying technology and equipment for tailing thickeners
  • Cooperation with FLOWORX Mechanical LLC in supplying tailing valves
  • Cooperation with Tomal AB in supplying equipment of measuring and injection of chemical materials
  • Cooperation with Outotec in supplying technology and equipment for mining material concentration
  • Cooperation with Metso Machinery Industry Company in supplying technology and equipment for mining material concentration
  • Cooperation with Cimprogetti S.p.A. the Italian company in supplying technology and equipment for lime production process and its exclusive representative in Iran
  • Cooperation with the German company HAVER & BOECKER in supplying material handling equipment
  • Cooperation with Venanzetti Vibrazioni, the Italian company, in the field of supplying vibrating feeders
  • Cooperation with Venanzetti Vibrazioni, the Italian company, in the field of supplying vibrating feeders
  • Cooperation with Paglierani s.r.l., the Italian company, in supplying equipment for filling, bagging and packaging mineral material
  • Cooperation with Siemens Automation Company in the field of electromotor supply and control system equipment
  • Cooperation with SEW Eurodrive, a German company, in the field of supplying electromotor
  • Cooperation with KSB: Pumps, Valve and Service in the field of supplying water pump
  • Cooperation with A.P.I PUMPS from South Africa in the field of supplying water pump
  • Cooperation with ABB Automation Company, the swiss company, in supplying electromotors and remote control drives